Seaweed farming is the only major source of income for the people of Wagina in South Choiseul Province.
From seaweed farming, they pay for their children school fees, health, food and other daily needs.
The recent tsunami in Japan, have also caused a major damage to the people of the Island.
Unconfirmed report from these people, said that all of the seaweed farms have been destroyed by a sudden massive high tide that swept through the islands that seaweed were being planted. Everyone has lost their farm which means that in this coming months, people of wagina Island will be running out of money.
They are now starting to replant but please, just imagine, it takes 3 months for a seaweed to be ready for harvest, it cost around a thousand dollars for the nets which are used to dry the seaweeds, couple of hundred dollars for the tiny ropes which are used to plant seaweed in the sea and a all week work to built a 15 or 20 meters table which is used to put the harvested seaweeds on for drying period.
These people are really affected and I am calling on relevant authorities especially the Natinal Disaster council to send a team to assess the damages so that these poor farmers get help.
Let us give a helping hand to the victims of this deadly disaster.
Tsunami destroys Wagina Seaweed farming
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Farhad James and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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