The San Isidro Care Centre, a recently established rural training centre for the disabled has teamed up with ANZ, Solomon Islands to raise funds to support its work.

ANZ branches throughout the Solomons have initiated a 'Blue Week' to raise funds for such charity organizations like San Isidro.

The San Isidro Centre located at Aruligo outside Honiara, educates disabled young people from the ages of 14 and over, over a duration of three years. Courses offered are English, Maths, Business, Sign Language, Agriculture, Life Skills, Carpentry, Woodwork, and Practical Trade and Skills

The centre's mission is to advocate for basic human rights for people with disabilities, the right to education and an opportunity to build their skills and self-esteem to enable a life of dignity and well being.

The centre empowers the disabled through training of basic academic and skilled subjects, of which they were deprived because of their disabilities.

The Centre also addresses gender balance and the right to be heard and contribute positively to society. The handicapped are also given the opportunity to live in a community of boys and girls with common attribute.

San Isidro's vision is to change social attitude towards people with disabilities, in allowing them the same dignity and right to a descent living as anyone.

This demonstrates that they can be responsible for their own well-being and livelihood. They can build their own houses, grow their own gardens, they can use their acquired skills to generate their own income and they can communicate with others through writing and reading.

They therefore can become co-developers in society, rather than being marginalized and neglected, especially in education and their work.

The Centre is currently in its construction phase and is need for wider support. A generous gesture can alleviate others' hardship and mitigate their pain.

San Isidro Care Centre is built as a hope and future for the marginalized and neglected ones in the society.

Donation boxes are provided at the ANZ Point Cruz & ANZ Business Centre, Honiara for donations. A Sausage sizzle is also organized for Friday 5th September from 11am - 2pm.