Economy Archive June 2014

Weathercoast Women Benefit from Australian Assistance

Mrs Jean Pichu’s vision was realised recently when the Niu Areata Women’s Weaving and Sewing project was completed with the assistance of the Australian High Commission’s Direct Assistance Program.
The investment by the New Zealand government will allow thousands of people receive quality eye care in the decades to come.

New Zealand to Fund Eye Care Center

The Fred Hollows Foundation New Zealand is working with the New Zealand government to build a state-of-the-art eye care center in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Evacuation Centers to Close this Week

Solomon Islands disaster officials have delayed plans to close the remaining evacuation centres, which were opened after the April floods.

ADB Boosts Hydro-power Generation

The Asian Development Bank yesterday, signed with the Solomon Islands grant and loan agreements to help the Government boost energy access and renewable energy generation in Auki, the capital of Malaita province.

Visitors Bureau Goes Green

The Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau (SIVB) has challenged the country’s population to show pride in their nation by keeping the Solomon Islands clean.

SolBrew Launches "6 Pack" in Provinces

Local Solomon Islands brewery, SolBrew Ltd has launched a new 6 pack throughout the provinces following its popularity and success in Honiara.
Connelly Sandakabatu, Minister for Development Planning and Aid Coordination recieves the donation from the Sri Lankan High Commission accredited to Solomon Islands.

Government Appreciates Sri Lanka's Donation

President Mahinda Rajapaksa, has sanctioned a cash donation of US $ 50,000 from the Government and the people of Sri Lanka to the Government and the people of the Solomon Islands as a gesture of solidarity and assistance.
Health workers in Solomon Islands say unsanitary conditions caused by the floods in April have created ideal conditions for the diarrhoea outbreak.

Diarrhoea Outbreak Claims 18 Lives

Authorities in Solomon Islands say at least 18 children have died after suffering from extreme diarrhoea.
The outbreak of diarrhoea have affected over one thousand people and have resulted in at least 16 deaths in young children in the past two weeks.

Health Ministry Declares Diarrhoea Outbreak

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services has has declared a nation wide diarrhoea outbreak.
The Solomon Islands are part of Rotary International District 9600, which also encompasses south-east Queensland, Papua New Guinea and Nauru.

Rotary Volunteer Helps Rural Clinics

Most 68-year-olds would never consider travelling to a developing nation like Solomon Islands to build medical clinics and provide locals with access to water and sanitation.
The Ngasini wharf in Marovo, Western Province before receiving a facelift, to start this week.

Ngasini Wharf Receives Facelift

Work has begun to upgrade and rehabilitate Ngasini Wharf on Vangunu Island in Western Province, Solomon Islands.

Trade Consultations Held in Isabel

Solomon Islands Trade Policy Framework officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, led by Director of Trade Mr Barrett Salato, and Forum Secretariat have held a one day consultation in Buala, Isabel province.

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