Regional Archive January 2011

PIFS Appoints New Young Professionals

PRESS RELEASE - 28th January 2011 - A new group of five young people from member countries of the Pacific Islands Forum have been placed in the various Programmes of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva, Fiji under the Young Professionals Scheme.

World Wetlands Day 2011

Press Release - World Wetlands Day this year celebrates terrestrial and wetland forests and their role in our lives. The theme, Forests for Water and Wetlands highlights the intricate links between forests and wetlands such as mangroves and freshwater swamps.

SIS Pacific Plan Desk Officer Workshop

PRESS RELEASE - 27th January 2011 - The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat is this week hosting seven Smaller Island State and Pacific Plan Desk Officers for a workshop to discuss the Pacific Plan and their role in supporting Member States engage on issues around regional cooperation and integration.

Border Control Training for Vanuatu

PRESS RELEASE - 27th January 2011

WB and Republic of Korea Team up on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

WASHINGTON, January 24, 2011 - Press Release

More Public Talking Needed on Tuvalu's Public Order Ban

Monday, January 24, 2011 - An historic 14-day ban on large public meetings or gatherings ending this week in Funafuti must put Tuvalu's leadership on notice that freedom of assembly and expression are key to democratic rule, says the Pacific Freedom Forum, PFF.

Conserving Forest Genetic Resources is Imperative in the Face of Environmental Change

Thursday 20th, 2011, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Suva, Fiji Islands -Forests play a multiple role; they are factories that produce fibre, timber and non-wood forest products; they provide water-catchment protection; they produce water for agriculture; and they are places for social recreation.

SPC Teams Up with FAO to Organise Forest Genetic Resources Training Workshop

Wednesday 12th, 2011, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Suva, Fiji Islands

World Bank to Work with Government of PNG to Improve Employment and Education Prospects

Press Release - World Bank to Work with Government of PNG to Improve Employment and Education Prospects for Papua New Guinea's Youth

Forum Highlights Ways to Link Social Enterprises with Impact Investors

DHAKA, BANGLADESH (10 January 2011) - Social enterprises are making an important contribution to inclusive economic growth and in providing opportunities for the poor in the Asia and Pacific region, but they need financing from impact investors to scale up their efforts.

Luxembourg Supports ADB Fund Targeting Financial Sector Development in Asia

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Government of Luxembourg has committed a further ?1.5 million ($1.97 million) to an Asian Development Bank (ADB)-administered fund set up to strengthen financial systems in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific to aid inclusive growth.

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