Regional Archive March 2012

Crops for the Future; Surviving Climate Change

Twenty six participants from across the Pacific are currently in SPC's Pasifika Conference Room, Suva, attending a regional consultation to evaluate crop diversity as a tool for managing climate variability.

Women's Rights and Customary Laws in New Caledonia

On Friday, 16 March, over 200 people gathered at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) conference hall in Noumea, New Caledonia to discuss women's civil rights within the framework of customary and common law.

Pacific Voice Heard at Global Dialogue on Organics

The GOMA (Global Organic Market Access) conference held in Nuremburg, Germany from 13 to 16 February 2012, entitled Let the Good Products Flow, examined the complex issues surrounding organic standards and guarantee systems worldwide, and how these can either support or hinder growth of the organic industry.

USD2.3 Million for Fiji Solar Initiative

[Friday, 23rd March 2012, Suva, FIJI] The Pacific Environment Community (PEC) Fund will contribute US$2.3 million towards a rural solar home systems project in Fiji.

PFF Supports No-Treason Call for West Papua

PFF, Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS --Three years in jail for five West Papua activists is a further erosion of free speech and other human rights for the province, says the Pacific Freedom Forum.

Water Security is Food Security: World Water Day in the Pacific

Today is World Water Day - a perfect day to reflect on how much water you use.

Australia Continues to Support the PACER plus Negotiations

Australia has demonstrated its commitment to the negotiations for a new Pacific trade and economic agreement - known as PACER plus - by agreeing to a funding arrangement with the Office of the Chief Trade Adviser (OCTA).
King George Tupou V at his crowning in 2008.

Tongan Monarch Passes

King George Tupou V, Tonga's reigning monarch has passed away.

SPC and PPA Join Hands to Address North Pacific Energy Challenges

Monday 19 March 2012, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Suva

Mariculture in the Pacific - New Report Urges Cautious Approach

A new report on mariculture (marine aquaculture) has urged Pacific nations to think twice before embarking on sea-farming enterprises.

PNG Government, Media Leaders Must Act on Police Grenade Threat

PFF, Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS -- The Pacific Freedom Forum condemns the grenade threat against a Papua New Guinea journalist by Police force officers late last week, and is calling on the O'Neill government and the PNG Media Council to publicly support media freedom.

Organic Certification Scheme in New Caledonia Bears Fruit

An organic guarantee and labelling system created under the auspices of the Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom) and Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) has met with success in New Caledonia.

Building Capacity in Energy Auditing in Palau

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community, in close collaboration with the Palau Energy Division and the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP), conducted a two-day energy audit training session this week (5-6 March 2012) in Koror, Palau.

SPC Encourages Agroforestry as an Integrated Farming Approach

The concept of agroforestry is not new; it is an old farming system with a new name.

Plant Health Clinics to Improve Diagnostic Services to Farmers

Farmers in the Pacific region will soon be able to take a sick plant to a plant health clinic in the town market for a diagnosis and recommended treatment - much like we visit a local medical clinic when we are not feeling well.

Pacific Nations Join Forces to Tackle International Arms Trade

Ending the deadly impact of the illicit trade in firearms and reducing the threat of armed conflict in the Pacific will be the focus of talks in Brisbane this week.

SPC Signs MOU with the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute of Japan

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Forestry and Forest products Research Institute (FFPRI) of Japan.

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