Regional Archive August 2022

Findings and recommendations from the study will be used by PDF to build its future programming on the needs of persons with disabilities in relation to climate change impacts, adaptation, and policy mainstreaming.

Australia Supports Report on Impact of Climate Change on People with Disability

Climate change impacts us all, especially those of us who are most vulnerable. Better understanding climate change and the impact it has on persons with disabilities across the Pacific is crucial to ensuring disability-inclusive climate action.
The accommodation centre which was identified as a key need by the rural women vendors during consultations, is able to house 50 women vendors at any one time, benefiting those who travel a long distance to get to the market and cannot easily travel back and forth every day.

Ba Opens Accommodation for Women's Market Vendors

Women market vendors shared joy over the newly renovated Ba women’s accommodation centre, officially opened last week by Fiji’s Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts and Local Government, Hon Premila Kumar.
The launch of USAID’s Pacific Islands Strategic Framework came on the heels of Vice President Kamala Harris’ participation in the Pacific Islands Forum on July 12, 2022 where she announced new commitments to deepen U.S. partnership with the region and to deliver concrete results for Pacific people.

USAID Launches Five-Year Strategy for Pacific Islands

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the launch of its five-year (2022-2027) Pacific Islands Strategic Framework that will guide the Agency’s work in 12 Pacific Island countries. The strategy supports the U.S. government’s goal to promote a free and open, connected, prosperous, resilient, and secure Indo-Pacific.
The Statement of Commitment is underpinned by Pacific values and practices that support improved planning, development and management of sustainable tourism, so as to preserve the future of Pacific destinations for future generations of the Blue Pacific.

French Polynesia Re-affirms Commitment to Improving Regional Tourism

Recognition of the importance of regional sustainable tourism cohesion in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic was the motivating factor behind French Polynesia’s endorsement of the Pacific Leader’s Sustainable Tourism Commitment this past week.
According to the Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia, eight producers selected to partake in the exhibition include Vanuatu’s Tanna Coffee, Fiji’s Green Gold Kava and Pacific Premium, Solomon Islands’ NiuLife, SolTuna and Solomons Gold, Samoa’s Living Koko and Niue’s Niue Vanilla.

Pacific Exporters to Showcase Products at Exhibition in Australia

The southern hemisphere’s leading trade exhibition for the food, hospitality, and retail industries will be held from September 5 – 8 this year, providing exporters from across the Pacific region a platform to showcase their premium products.
The MOU focuses on using football diplomacy to educate and raise awareness on climate change and disaster resilience.

PIFS and FIFA Put Climate Partnership into Action

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and FIFA have jointly launched a 12-month plan to implement the climate change partnership they signed in April and turn commitment into concrete climate action.
At the arrival’s concourse, passengers were greeted by reigning Miss Kiribati, Paepae Kilei and staff of the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) who garlanded travellers and returning resident’s with katoka-bau, the traditional Kiribati floral head piece presented to special guests.

Kiribati Welcomes First Commercial Flight Since Border Lockdown

Tarawa, Kiribati yesterday was in celebration mode as the island converged at Bonriki International Airport to welcome the country’s first commercial flight, 2 ½ years since COVID-19 border lockdown.
In PTI Australia’s recently published Pacific Islands Export Survey 2022, 46 per cent of Pacific exporters called for financial offset to support high freights costs.

Pacific Exporters Speak on State of Industry

Last week saw exporters from across the Pacific gather at an event hosted by Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia and Griffith Asia Institute, to speak on the realities, opportunities, and challenges of trading amid the region.

Regional Archive